

First-Authored Journal Papers

  1. W. Feng, Z. Yan and H. Xie, "Anonymous Authentication on Trust in Pervasive Social Networking Based on Group Signature," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 6236-6246, 2017, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2679980. Bib: @ARTICLE{7876819, author={W. {Feng} and Z. {Yan} and H. {Xie}}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={Anonymous Authentication on Trust in Pervasive Social Networking Based on Group Signature}, year={2017}, volume={5}, number={}, pages={6236-6246}, doi={10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2679980}}
  2. W. Feng, Z. Yan, H. Zhang, K. Zeng, Y. Xiao and Y. T. Hou, "A Survey on Security, Privacy, and Trust in Mobile Crowdsourcing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2971-2992, Aug. 2018, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2765699. Bib: @ARTICLE{8080202, author={W. {Feng} and Z. {Yan} and H. {Zhang} and K. {Zeng} and Y. {Xiao} and Y. T. {Hou}}, journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, title={A Survey on Security, Privacy, and Trust in Mobile Crowdsourcing}, year={2018}, volume={5}, number={4}, pages={2971-2992}, doi={10.1109/JIOT.2017.2765699}}
  3. W. Feng and Z. Yan, "MCS-Chain: Decentralized and trustworthy mobile crowdsourcing based on blockchain," Future Generation Computer Systems vol. 95, pp. 649-666, June 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2019.01.036. Bib: @article{FENG2019649, title = "MCS-Chain: Decentralized and trustworthy mobile crowdsourcing based on blockchain", journal = "Future Generation Computer Systems", volume = "95", pages = "649 - 666", year = "2019", issn = "0167-739X", doi = "", url = "", author = "Wei Feng and Zheng Yan", keywords = "Blockchain, Mobile Crowdsourcing (MCS), Trust, Decentralization", }
  4. W. Feng, Y. Li, X. Yang, Z. Yan, L. Chen, "Blockchain-based data transmission control for Tactical Data Link ," Digital Communications and Networks, June 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.dcan.2020.05.007. Bib: @article{FENG2020, title = "Blockchain-based data transmission control for Tactical Data Link", journal = "Digital Communications and Networks", year = "2020", issn = "2352-8648", doi = "", url = "", author = "Wei Feng and Yafeng Li and Xuetao Yang and Zheng Yan and Liang Chen", keywords = "Blockchain, Tactical data link, Consensus, Data transmission control", }
  5. W. Feng, Z. Yan, L. T. Yang and Q. Zheng, "Anonymous Authentication on Trust in Blockchain-Based Mobile Crowdsourcing," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3018878. Bib: @ARTICLE{9174637, author={W. {Feng} and Z. {Yan} and L. T. {Yang} and Q. {Zheng}}, journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, title={Anonymous Authentication on Trust in Blockchain-Based Mobile Crowdsourcing}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-1}, doi={10.1109/JIOT.2020.3018878}}

Co-Authored Journal Papers

  1. Z. Yan, W. Feng and P. Wang, "Anonymous Authentication for Trustworthy Pervasive Social Networking," IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 88-98, Sept. 2015, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2016.2519463. Bib: @ARTICLE{7405318, author={Z. {Yan} and W. {Feng} and P. {Wang}}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems}, title={Anonymous Authentication for Trustworthy Pervasive Social Networking}, year={2015}, volume={2}, number={3}, pages={88-98}, doi={10.1109/TCSS.2016.2519463}}
  2. Z. Yan, P. Wang, W. Feng, "A novel scheme of anonymous authentication on trust in Pervasive Social Networking," Information Sciences, vol. 445-446, pp. 79-96, June 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.02.037. Bib: @article{yan2018novel, title={A novel scheme of anonymous authentication on trust in Pervasive Social Networking}, author={Yan, Zheng and Wang, Pu and Feng, Wei}, journal={Information Sciences}, volume={445}, pages={79--96}, year={2018}, publisher={Elsevier} }
  3. S. S. Liu,A. Liu, Z. Yan, W. Feng, "AEfficient LBS queries with mutual privacy preservation in IoV," Vehicular Communications, vol. 16, pp. 62-71, Apri. 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2679980. Bib: @article{liu2019efficient, title={Efficient LBS queries with mutual privacy preservation in IoV}, author={Liu, Shushu and Liu, An and Yan, Zheng and Feng, Wei}, journal={Vehicular Communications}, volume={16}, pages={62--71}, year={2019}, publisher={Elsevier} }
  4. Y. Wang, Z. Yan, W. Feng, S. S. Liu, "Privacy protection in mobile crowd sensing: a survey," World Wide Web, vol. 23, pp. 421–452, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11280-019-00745-2. Bib: @article{wang2020privacy, title={Privacy protection in mobile crowd sensing: a survey}, author={Wang, Yongfeng and Yan, Zheng and Feng, Wei and Liu, Shushu}, journal={World Wide Web}, volume={23}, number={1}, pages={421--452}, year={2020}, publisher={Springer} }
  5. L. Peng, W. Feng, Z. Yan, Y. Li, X. K. Zhou, S. Shimizu, "A Privacy preservation in permissionless blockchain: A survey," IEEE Access, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.dcan.2020.05.008. Bib: @article{peng2020privacy, title={Privacy preservation in permissionless blockchain: A survey}, author={Peng, Li and Feng, Wei and Yan, Zheng and Li, Yafeng and Zhou, Xiaokang and Shimizu, Shohei}, journal={Digital Communications and Networks}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier} }
  6. 闫峥, 吴宸梓, 冯伟, 王子龙. 可信普适社交网络研究综述和展望[J]. 网络与信息安全学报, 2016, 2(2): 30-40. Bib: @article{闫峥2016可信普适社交网络研究综述和展望, title={可信普适社交网络研究综述和展望}, author={闫峥 and 吴宸梓 and 冯伟 and 王子龙}, journal={网络与信息安全学报}, volume={2}, number={2}, pages={30--40}, year={2016} }
  7. Z. Yan, L. Peng, W. Feng, L. T. Yang, "Social-Chain: Decentralized Trust Evaluation Based on Blockchain in Pervasive Social Networking," ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1145/3419102. Bib: @article{yan2021social, title={Social-Chain: Decentralized Trust Evaluation Based on Blockchain in Pervasive Social Networking}, author={Yan, Zheng and Peng, Li and Feng, Wei and Yang, Laurence T}, journal={ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)}, volume={21}, number={1}, pages={1--28}, year={2021}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA} }

First-Authored Conference Papers

  1. W. Feng, Y. Li, X. Yang, Z. Yan, L. Chen, "Blockchain-based data transmission control for Tactical Data Link," Smart City and Informatization, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-1301-5_46. Bib: @InProceedings{10.1007/978-981-15-1301-5_46, author="Feng, Wei and Li, Yafeng and Yang, Xuetao and Yan, Zheng and Chen, Liang", editor="Wang, Guojun and El Saddik, Abdulmotaleb and Lai, Xuejia and Martinez Perez, Gregorio and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond", title="Blockchain Based Data Transmission Control for Tactical Data Link", booktitle="Smart City and Informatization", year="2019", publisher="Springer Singapore", address="Singapore", pages="583--595", isbn="978-981-15-1301-5" }

Co-Authored Conference Papers

  1. X. yang, Y. Li, L. Chen, W. Feng, Z. Yan, "TDL-Chain: An Intelligent Data Transmission Control System in Tactical Data Link Based on Blockchain," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 2020, doi: 10.1109/Blockchain50366.2020.00045 Bib: @inproceedings{yang2020tdl, title={TDL-Chain: An Intelligent Data Transmission Control System in Tactical Data Link Based on Blockchain}, author={Yang, Xuetao and Li, Yafeng and Chen, Liang and Feng, Wei and Yan, Zheng}, booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain)}, pages={305--312}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE} }
  2. P. Wang, L. He, Z. Yan, W. Feng, "AnonyTrust: An Anonymous Trust Authentication System for Pervasive Social Networking," In International Conference on Security and Privacy in Digital Economy pp. 643-660, Springer, Singapore, 2020. Bib: @inproceedings{wang2020anonytrust, title={AnonyTrust: An Anonymous Trust Authentication System for Pervasive Social Networking}, author={Wang, Pu and He, Limei and Yan, Zheng and Feng, Wei}, booktitle={International Conference on Security and Privacy in Digital Economy}, pages={643--660}, year={2020}, organization={Springer} }
  3. L. Liu, W. Feng, C. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Lan, X. Yuan, S. Vashisht, "BS-IoT: Blockchain Based Software Defined Network Framework for Internet of Things," IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2020, pp. 496-501, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS50562.2020.9163070. Bib: @INPROCEEDINGS{9163070, author={Liu, Lei and Feng, Wei and Chen, Chen and Zhang, Yuru and Lan, Dapeng and Yuan, Xiaoming and Vashisht, Sahil}, booktitle={IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)}, title={BS-IoT: Blockchain Based Software Defined Network Framework for Internet of Things}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={496-501}, doi={10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS50562.2020.9163070} }